customer feedback

The moment of truth!

“It is not the employer who pays the wages. Employers only handle the money. It is the customer who pays the wages.” - Henry Ford, Founder of Ford Motors

Listening to your customers is a continuous process, it's not a weekend task or a once a month activity. Listening to your customers is the foundation a company is built on. Your customers feedback :

  • -> Will give you more features than the ones your product team envisages.
  • -> Will help you design your next product / service offering
  • -> Will build confidence in your customers, to know that you care about them

Customer feedback or Surveys aren't for the companies who don't plan to implement the feedback. If you genuinely wish to listen to what your customer's wish to say, we have the simplest tool for you in A Landing Page.



10 Pre-Defined ready to use Surveys

Carefully designed questions for you to get started right away!


Chat BOT based Surveys

Don't bore, interact with your customers


Real time analytics via foresight

Foresight™ is our real time Analytics driven by AI


Sentiment Analysis on customer's text feedback

Measure your customers' sentiments from their text feedback


Export to popular csv, xlsx, pdf, txt

Share with any user over email from our EmailAssured™ platform


Audience Response Management System

who said feedback can only be 1 at a time? Try our ARMS to see the difference